Family Weekend

October 6, 7 & 8, 2023

Register today for Family Weekend! 家庭周末旨在让家长和家庭成员有机会享受校园内发生的特殊事件和活动,并与阿尔弗雷德社区成员互动.

View this year’s schedule below. Please register for the weekend if you plan to attend. 请注意,我们今年有三(3)个活动也需要预先注册,以便我们统计人数. Please only register for the events you will attend.

Register Here!

8:30 am - 4:30 pm – University Administrative Offices Open – Families and alumni are welcome to stop by for information. 如果你想和某人见面,请提前打电话确认是否有空并预约.)

9:00 am - 4:00 pm – AU Bookstore -停下来看看你能找到什么精彩的AU项目-总有一些东西在出售. Location: 2nd floor, Powell Campus Center

10:00 am - 5:00 pm – Alfred Ceramic Art Museum – The Museum houses nearly 8,000件陶器,从古代文明中发现的小陶器碎片到现代和当代陶瓷艺术. 阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆的主要任务是收藏, preserve, conserve, research, 阐释和展示陶瓷艺术的审美和教育目的. Location: 2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY – on the corner of Main and Pine Streets On View: Work by Reuben Nakian and Ashley Lyon

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm – The Fosdick-Nelson Gallery – The gallery, housed in the School of Art & Design, is a vibrant learning center for the visual arts. 轮流展览突出了在纽约工作的知名和新兴艺术家, the US, and abroad. Location: 3rd floor, Harder Hall -从学术巷进入正门,穿过大厅. Gallery will be on the left. On View: Andy Brady: Steward of Precision

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm – Turner Gallery -特纳画廊是一个由学生经营和组织的专业画廊空间,以学生展览为特色. Location: 位于k8彩乐园app官网下载纽约陶瓷学院哈德厅的麦基馆

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm – Family Weekend Information and Sign-In – Please stop by to sign in, pick up a printed weekend schedule, Alfred University Family Association swag, and other information. Location: 2nd floor, Powell Campus Center

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm – Tour the Steinheim Castle -参观我们最引人注目的校园建筑之一,参观施泰因海姆城堡,了解其迷人的历史! Featured prominently in the University’s logo, this unique structure has stood guard over campus since 1876. 大学档案保管员Laurie Lounsberry Meehan将在现场回答问题, point out interesting features, and take you back in time. 将展出历史照片和文物,并提供茶点.

下午5:00 -下午6:00 -校友专题演讲:Scott Vanderhoef '71:纽约州政府如何真正工作 – Scott Vanderhoef, ‘71, 主修历史,后来在纳尔逊·洛克菲勒州长的办公室任职,在那里他专门负责纽约早期的一些涉及环境法规的工作. For nearly two decades, 他是罗克兰县的县长,并在2006年作为共和党副州长候选人参选,当时他和他的竞选伙伴获得了超过1张选票.2 million votes. 他目前是非营利组织仁人家园的执行董事,他将对纽约州政府的实际运作方式提供坦率的见解. This is complimentary and open to the public. Location: Olin Room 310

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm – Food Trucks – Purchase dinner from local food trucks. 爆米花餐车将向前100名顾客分发免费袋子! Location: The Village Bandstand – on the corner of Main Street and Saxon Drive

5:00 pm – Tie Dye -参加学生活动委员会并扎染一个手提袋或一件衬衫(每人一件). Location: The Village Bandstand – on the corner of Main Street and Saxon Drive

7:00 pm – Women’s Volleyball vs Hartwick College -为澳大女排对阵哈特威克大学的比赛加油. Location: Terry S. Galanis Arena, McLane Center

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm – Opening Reception. The Robert C. 特纳画廊是一个学生经营,学生设想,专业的画廊空间. The multi-level exhibition space features student exhibitions, pop-up shops and programming including artist talks, panels, live music and more. Location: Turner Gallery

9:00 - 11:00 pm – Stull Observatory Open House – If the sky is clear, this is your opportunity to view the autumn sky through the sophisticated instruments of the Stull Observatory; considered “one of the finest teaching observatories in the United States.” (Note: if the sky is cloudy the observatory will be closed.) Please visit the Stull Observatory website for more information.

9:00 am - 11:00 am – Family Weekend Information and Sign In – Please stop by to sign in, pick up a printed weekend schedule, Alfred University Family Association swag, and other information. Location: 2nd floor, Powell Campus Center

上午十时至十一时-艾尔弗雷德大学家庭协会招待会 – Come meet other AUFA members, grab some coffee and a light breakfast, and hear from Alfred University Dean of Student Experience, Thomas Orrange and Jessica Doner, Director of the Career Design Center. This is also your chance to get your FREE AUFA swag! Location: Fasano House – corner of West Pine and N. Main Street. Registration required for this event.

10:00 am - 2:00 pm – Tour the Terra Cotta Building -参观邮局对面大街上独特的兵马俑建筑. Built in 1892 by the Celadon Terra Cotta Company, 该建筑展示了该公司的艺术作品,并作为其办公室. 将展出历史照片,展示阿尔弗雷德的两家兵马俑公司的历史,这两家公司生产了村里大部分美丽的瓦片屋顶. 了解目前为保护这一遗产和有趣的历史所做的努力!

10:00 am - 4:00 pm – AU Bookstore -停下来看看你能找到什么精彩的AU项目-总有一些东西在出售! Location: 2nd floor, Powell Campus Center

10:00 am - 4:00 pm – Alfred Ceramic Art Museum – The Museum houses nearly 8,000件陶器,从古代文明中发现的小陶器碎片到现代和当代陶瓷艺术. 阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆的主要任务是收藏, preserve, conserve, research, 阐释和展示陶瓷艺术的审美和教育目的. Location: 2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY – on the northeast corner of Main and Pine Streets. On View: Work by Reuben Nakian and Ashley Lyon

11:00 am - 1:00 pm – Family Photo Opportunity -带您的家人(指定或选择)来我们的摄影师拍照. Fun props available! Location: Fiat Lux Sign (Rain Location: Alumni Hall Lobby)

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm – Alfred University’s Pregame Tailgate Party -与k8彩乐园app官网下载的校友、家人和朋友一起参加2023年返校节的赛前派对. 在比赛开始前,享受一次传统的野餐,感受撒克逊人的精神. This event is complimentary. Cash bar beverages are available. Game tickets are not included. Location: AU Tennis Courts. Registration required for this event.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm – The Fosdick-Nelson Gallery – House in the School of Art & 设计,福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊是一个充满活力的视觉艺术学习中心. 轮流展览突出了在纽约工作的知名和新兴艺术家, the US, and abroad. Location: 3rd floor, Harder Hall -从学术巷进入正门,穿过大厅. Gallery will be on the left. On View: Andy Brady: Steward of Precision

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm – Turner Gallery -特纳画廊是一个由学生经营和组织的专业画廊空间,以学生展览为特色. 地点:k8彩乐园app官网下载纽约陶瓷学院哈德大厅的麦基馆

1:00 pm – ACAM Exhibition Tour -与运营总监Bill Giese一起参观ACAM当前的展览. Tour will last 1 hour and requires registration. Location: Alfred Ceramic Art Museum. Registration required for this event.

1:00 pm – Women’s Volleyball vs Russell Sage College -为你的澳大女子排球队加油,因为她们将在毕业日对阵拉塞尔塞奇学院. Location: Terry S. Galanis Arena, McLane Center

2:00 pm – Alfred University Football vs SUNY Morrisville -为阿尔弗雷德·撒克逊队在返校节上迎战纽约州立大学莫里斯维尔分校加油. Tickets are available to purchase at the gate. Location: Yunevich Stadium, Clark Way

Evening Dining Options -与您的学生一起用餐(使用Saxon Swipes或Dining Dollars),在我们的AU餐饮选择之一(Ade Hall和Powell caf)或参观市中心,选择随到随付. 地点:3楼,鲍威尔校园中心或主要街道,阿尔弗雷德,纽约

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm – Alfred Lions Club Chicken Barbecue – Join the Lions Club for dinner. Eat-In and Carry-Out will be available for purchase. Location: Church Center, corner of Main Street and Church Street

7:30 pm – Comedian Eric O’Shea – Warning! Thanks to a little A.D.D和缺乏segue,这个家庭友好的节目变得随机狂野! From surviving family, to surviving all 24 hours of the day, to the original stories, to celebrity impressions (including Elmo), Eric’s UNIQUE humor, expressions, and high-energy show is unlike anything you’ve ever heard! Location: Holmes Auditorium, Harder Hall

Dining Options -家庭成员可以在上午10点到上午10点之间在Ade餐厅享用免费早午餐.m.-2 p.m. (no need to use a swipe). Location: Ade Dining Hall

10:00 am - 4:00 pm – Alfred Ceramic Art Museum – The Museum houses nearly 8,000件陶器,从古代文明中发现的小陶器碎片到现代和当代陶瓷艺术. 阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆的主要任务是收藏, preserve, conserve, research, 阐释和展示陶瓷艺术的审美和教育目的. Location: 2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY – on the northeast corner of Main and Pine Streets
On View: Work by Reuben Nakian and Ashley Lyon

11:00 am - 3:00 pm – Alfred Farmers Market -别忘了顺便去买一些当地最新鲜的农产品. Location: Village Bandstand Area

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm – The Fosdick-Nelson Gallery – Housed in the School of Art & 设计,福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊是一个充满活力的视觉艺术学习中心. 轮流展览突出了在纽约工作的知名和新兴艺术家, the US, and abroad. Location: 3rd floor, Harder Hall -从学术巷进入正门,穿过大厅. Gallery will be on the left. On View: Andy Brady: Steward of Precision

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm – Turner Gallery -特纳画廊是一个由学生经营和组织的专业画廊空间,以学生展览为特色. 地点:k8彩乐园app官网下载纽约陶瓷学院哈德大厅的麦基馆

Lodging Options

Community Lodging

Looking for a place to stay? Stay on campus at The Saxon Inn! It has the comfort and style of a small luxury hotel. Or, there are many...