

同学会: an affirmation of how your love and affection for Alfred University have remained strong through the passing years, and how friendships forged here have endured the test of time.


AU has begun planning a robust and exciting 同学会 weekend, with activities that include our 一年一度的赛前车尾派对, Saxons football, music, food, drink, friendship and fun! Stay tuned as the official schedule is still being finalized. In the meantime, take a look at all the fun we had at 同学会 2023!


8:30 am - 4:30 pm – University Administrative Offices Open – 家庭 and alumni are welcome to stop by for information. (If you wish to meet with someone, please call ahead to check availability and make an appointment.)

上午9时至下午5时-非盟书店 – Stop in to see what wonderful AU items you can find – there’s always something on sale. 地点:鲍威尔校园中心2楼

上午10:00 -下午5:00 -阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆 -博物馆收藏了近8件藏品,000 ceramic objects ranging from small pottery shards recovered from ancient civilizations to modern and contemporary ceramic art. The primary mission of the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum is to collect, 保存, 节约, 研究, interpret and exhibit ceramic art for aesthetic and educational purposes. 地点:2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY -在主街和松街的拐角处. 在视图: Reuben Nakian和Ashley Lyon的作品

下午12:00 - 4:00 -福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊 -画廊,位于艺术学院 & Design, is a vibrant learning center for the visual arts. Rotating exhibitions highlight established and emerging artists working in New York, 美国, 和国外. 地点:哈德馆3楼 – enter main entrance from Academic Alley, walk through, past the lobby. 画廊将在左边. 在视图: 安迪·布雷迪:精确度的管家

下午12时至4时-特纳画廊 – The Turner Gallery is a professional gallery space run and organized by students and features student exhibitions. 地点: the McGee Pavilion in Harder Hall at the NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University

下午3:00 - 6:00 -参观施泰因海姆城堡 – Tour one of our most striking campus buildings and visit the Steinheim Castle for an introduction to its fascinating history! 在大学标志的显著位置, this unique structure has stood guard over campus since 1876. University Archivist Laurie Lounsberry Meehan AU’91 will be on hand to answer questions, 指出有趣的特性, 带你回到过去. Historic photos and artifacts will be on display and light refreshments provided.

5:00 - 6:00 pm – 校友 Featured Speaker: 斯科特Vanderhoef '71: How the New York State Government REALLY Works – 斯科特Vanderhoef, ‘71, majored in history and went on to serve in Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s office where he specialized in some of New York’s early efforts involving environmental regulation. 近二十年来, he was the county executive of Rockland County and ran as the Republican candidate for Lieutenant-Governor in year 2006 when he and his running mate collected over 1.200万票. He is currently an executive director of the non-profit Habitat for Humanity and will offer candid insights about the way that government in New York State really functions. 这是免费的,并向公众开放. 地点:奥林310室

下午5:00 - 8:00 -美食车 -从当地的餐车购买晚餐. The Kettle Corn truck will be passing out free bags to the first 100 customers!  地点:乡村演奏台 -在主街和撒克逊路的拐角处

6:00 pm – Women’s Volleyball vs Hartwick College – Cheer on your AU Women’s Volleyball Team as they take on Hartwick College. 地点:Terry S. 加拉尼斯竞技场,麦克莱恩中心

上午9时至下午4时-非盟书店 – Stop in to see what wonderful AU items you can find – there’s always something on sale! 地点:鲍威尔校园中心2楼

10:00 am - 2:00 pm – Tour the Terra Cotta Building – Tour the unique Terra Cotta Building on Main Street, across from the post office. 由青瓷兵马俑公司于1892年建造, the building showcases the artistic work of the company and served as its office. Historic photos will be on display to illustrate the history of the two terra cotta companies in Alfred that produced most of the beautiful tile roofs in the village. Learn about the current effort to save this heritage and interesting history!

上午10:00 -下午4:00 -阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆  博物馆收藏了近8件藏品,000 ceramic objects ranging from small pottery shards recovered from ancient civilizations to modern and contemporary ceramic art. The primary mission of the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum is to collect, 保存, 节约, 研究, interpret and exhibit ceramic art for aesthetic and educational purposes. 地点:2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY – on the northeast corner of Main and Pine Streets. 在视图: Reuben Nakian和Ashley Lyon的作品

下午1:00 - 3:00 -福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊 -艺术学院的房子 & Design, the Fosdick-Nelson Gallery is a vibrant learning center for the visual arts. Rotating exhibitions highlight established and emerging artists working in New York, 美国, 和国外. 地点:哈德馆3楼 – enter main entrance from Academic Alley, walk through, past the lobby. 画廊将在左边. 在视图: 安迪·布雷迪:精确度的管家

下午1时至3时-特纳画廊 – The Turner Gallery is a professional gallery space run and organized by students and features student exhibitions. 地点: the McGee Pavilion in Harder Hall at the NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm – Alfred University’s Pregame Tailgate Party – Join Alfred University alumni, family, and friends for the 2023 同学会 pre-game party. Enjoy a traditional tailgate picnic and get into the Saxon spirit just before the big game. 这个活动是免费的. 现金酒吧提供饮料. 不包括比赛门票. 地点:AU网球场. 注册要求 对于这次活动.

下午1:00 - ACAM巡回展览 – Join Bill Giese, Operations Director, for a tour of ACAM’s current exhibitions. 参观时间为1小时,需要注册. 地点:阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆. 注册要求 对于这次活动.

 1:00 pm – Women’s Volleyball vs Russell Sage College – Cheer on your AU Women’s Volleyball Team as they take on Russell Sage College on Senior Day. 地点:Terry S. 加拉尼斯竞技场,麦克莱恩中心

2:00 pm – Alfred University Football vs Morrisville State College – Cheer on your Alfred Saxons as they take on Morrisville State. 在门口可以买到票. 地点:Clark Way尤内维奇体育场

上午10:00 -下午4:00 -阿尔弗雷德陶瓷艺术博物馆 -博物馆收藏了近8件藏品,000 ceramic objects ranging from small pottery shards recovered from ancient civilizations to modern and contemporary ceramic art. The primary mission of the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum is to collect, 保存, 节约, 研究, interpret and exhibit ceramic art for aesthetic and educational purposes. 地点:2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY – on the northeast corner of Main and Pine Streets
在视图: Reuben Nakian和Ashley Lyon的作品

上午11时至下午3时-艾尔弗雷德农贸市场 – Don’t forget to stop by and pick up some of the area’s freshest local produce. 地点:乡村演奏台区

下午1:00 - 3:00 -福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊 -住在艺术学院 & Design, the Fosdick-Nelson Gallery is a vibrant learning center for the visual arts. Rotating exhibitions highlight established and emerging artists working in New York, 美国, 和国外. 地点:哈德馆3楼 – enter main entrance from Academic Alley, walk through, past the lobby. 画廊将在左边. 在视图: 安迪·布雷迪:精确度的管家

下午1时至3时-特纳画廊 – The Turner Gallery is a professional gallery space run and organized by students and features student exhibitions. 地点: McGee Pavilion in Harder Hall at the NYS College of Ceramics at Alfred University