
We asked students how safe they feel at school and how concerned they are about school shootings.

你觉得有多安全? 回复百分比
非常安全的 16
非常安全 24
安全 33
比较安全的 24
一点也不安全 3

More than 25 percent of all respondents said their school is somewhat safe or not at all safe.

Forty percent said their schools are extremely safe (16 percent) or very safe (24 percent) and another 33 percent said their schools are safe. Twenty-four percent said their schools are somewhat safe and another 3 percent said their schools are not at all safe.

  • Younger students (grades 7 and 8) were more likely (30 percent) to say they are somewhat safe or not safe at school than those in grades 10 or 11 (25 percent) and those in grades 11 and 12 (26 percent).
  • Thirty-seven percent of the students who identified themselves as African-American said they were somewhat safe or not safe at school, 相比之下,只有31%的少数族裔学生是这样, 28%的西班牙裔学生和25%的白人学生, 非西班牙裔学生.
  • 城市 students and rural students were most likely to say they were not safe at school. Thirty-one percent of urban students and 29 percent of rural students said they were somewhat safe or not at all safe, 相比之下,郊区学生的这一比例为23%.
  • Those who said they get mostly A's in school are less likely to perceive their school as unsafe (18 percent) than those who get mostly B's and C 's (29 percent) and those who get mostly D's and F 's (35 percent).
  • Those who say have a high quality of life index also feel safer. Only 15 percent said their schools are somewhat safe or unsafe, compared to 24 percent of those with a medium quality of life index and 40 percent of those with a low quality of life index.
  • The more alienated students feel, the more likely they are to perceive their schools as unsafe. Students with a high alienation index are more than twice as likely as those with a low index to say their schools are not safe.
  • Those in neighborhoods with a lot of or some crime are three times more likely to say their schools are unsafe than those in neighborhoods with no crime.
How concerned are you about school shootings happening at your school? 回复百分比
非常担心 12
非常关心 18
有关 17
有点担心 39
一点也不关心 25

Only 25 percent of the students say they are not at all concerned about a shooting happening at their school.

  • Boys were less concerned about a shooting at their school than girls (30 percent cf. 19%).
  • 19 percent of the urban students said they were not concerned about school shootings, while 27 percent of the suburban and rural students said they were not concerned.
  • 40 percent of those students who said they did not feel safe at school were extremely concerned or very concerned about a shooting. Even among those who said they felt "extremely safe" or "very safe" at school, 17 percent were extremely concerned or very concerned about the possibility of a school shooting.

Four questions - "我觉得学校里有些孩子可能会开枪," "I know kids who could bring a gun to school if they wanted to," "I have heard another kid talking about shooting someone at school," and "I heard about someone who has made a plan to shoot someone at school" - tell us students' perceptions of the likelihood of a shooting at their schools. We assume that students who said they are only somewhat safe or not at all safe at school, 对其他四个问题的回答都是肯定的, were from schools where deadly violence is more likely to occur than those where students disagree with the statements.

问题 %同意
我觉得学校里有些孩子可能会开枪. 37
I know kids who could bring a gun to school if they wanted to. 61
I have heard another kid talking about shooting somebody at school. 20
I heard about someone who has made a plan to shoot someone at school. 19

In examining the school and community characteristics for those students who appear to come from the more dangerous schools, 我们考察了地理位置, urban city and students' rating of the crime in their neighborhood, 比较他们回答的估计边际均值.


  • 学校 in neighborhoods students perceive as unsafe probably are.
  • 学校 in small towns/rural areas were generally rated as more dangerous by their students than were urban and suburban schools. 城市 schools were rated more dangerous than suburban schools.
  • There are differences in ratings of school safety by region of the country, but those ratings also interacted with the urban city of the school.
  • 给住在东方的学生, suburban schools were rated as less dangerous than rural and urban schools.
  • 给住在南方的学生, 学校所在的城市没有多大影响, although rural schools were rated more dangerous than suburban schools, 城市学校被认为是最不危险的.
  • 给中西部的学生, rural and urban schools were rated as more dangerous than suburban schools.
  • For students in the 西, rural schools were rated as more dangerous than urban or suburban schools.
地区 最危险的 中度危险 最危险的
农村 城市 郊区
农村 郊区 城市
中西部 农村 城市 郊区
西 农村 (领带)城市和郊区 (领带)城市和郊区