
k8彩乐园app官网下载向两位长期雇员致敬 Board of Trustees Dinner, spotlights athletics

两个老员工,马克·刘易斯, 商学院院长, 还有玛丽·麦卡利斯特, corporate secretary to the University—were recognized at Thursday (五月 9) evening’s Board of Trustees dinner. 大学的体育项目, following the 撒克逊人山 Sports Complex groundbreaking ceremony held earlier in the evening, 也被强调了.

刘易斯, 阿尔蒙德附近的当地人, came to Alfred University in 2010 as an adjunct instructor in the College of Business, following his retirement from the New York Stock Exchange, 他在那里服役了13年. 在加入纽约证券交易所之前,刘易斯在美国工作了20年.S. 1997年以中校身份退役.

In 2012, 刘易斯 was appointed interim dean of what was then the School of Business, 不久之后被任命为院长, when the School was restored as the College of Business. 刘易斯要辞去院长一职了, 6月30日生效, he will remain in his faculty position of associate professor of finance and analytics. 酷爱户外活动的人, he will continue to serve as steward of the University-owned Foster Lake recreational area.

“Mark 刘易斯 personifies our three key strengths: intersections, 指导, 和包容性,Mark Zupan报道, 大学校长, 评论. He noted a few of the College’s accomplishments under 刘易斯’ guidance: the addition of degree programs in Equine Business Management and Data and Business Analytics, and the development of new experiential learning opportunities. “有马克这样的同事是一种快乐.”

McAllister is retiring at the end of July after more than 24 years at the University—as executive assistant in the President’s Office from 2000-16 and as corporate secretary since July 2015.

祖潘引用了麦卡利斯特的“奉献精神”, 她投入的时间太长了, and her winning attitude” in recognizing her for her service to the University.

玛丽·麦卡利斯特(右), k8彩乐园app官网下载公司秘书, 和Mark Zupan在一起, 大学校长, 在周四的董事会晚宴上. McAllister is retiring, effective July 31, following a 24-year career at the University.

“非常感谢. I’ve really enjoyed working with each and every one of you,” McAllister 评论. “我会想念你的.”

Zupan recognized the members of two search committees: for the 商学院院长’s position and for the associate dean’s position in the Division of Performing 艺术.

The 商学院院长 search committee includes Robert Stein, dean of the College of Liberal 艺术 and Sciences; Halil Zaim, associate professor of management; Theresa Gunn ‘’96, MBA“98, associate professor of accountancy and associate dean, College of Business; and Angie Taylor, 首席多元化官. Trustees assisting in the search include Marianne Gaige ’80, Terry Galanis Jr.威廉·贾尔斯(William Giles)和帕特里夏·St. 乔治.

The Performing 艺术 associate dean search committee includes Brian Sullivan, dean of 库; Kevin Kolton Bradley, assistant professor of theater; Zach Hamm, Clinical Associate Professor of theater design and technical director; and Sarah Love, 招生运营总监, 招生管理处.

在晚宴上, the University showcased its athletics program at the dinner, screening a highlight video of the Saxons’ sports teams. 当天早些时候, 撒克逊山体育中心破土动工, a $30 million athletics facility atop Jericho Hill in the town of Alfred. 球场的建设——棒球的主场, 男子和女子橄榄球, and men’s and women’s cross country and outdoor track and field teams, as well as a new field hockey team—begins early this summer and will be completed in fall of 2025. It is expected to increase student enrollment by 170 over the next six years and boost student retention efforts.

The $30 million cost of 撒克逊人山 will be supported by philanthropic giving which has exceeded $10 million, the threshold Trustees required before the project would gain final approval.

“今天是一个重要的日子,”祖潘说. “作为一所大学,我们要应对挑战. What happened with 撒克逊人山 gives us great confidence. 为了实现这一重要目标,整个团队走到了一起.”

“这对学校来说是一个巨大的成就,李·詹姆斯说, 是国会议员尼克·朗沃西的工作人员, 23国代表rd 纽约州的国会选区. “The (撒克逊人山) complex will be a keynote for years to come, 招聘和整个地区.”

Deb管家, 负责学生体验的副校长, 体育运动, 和娱乐, spoke about some of the athletics program’s accomplishments over the 2023-24 year.

Nearly 500 student-athletes competed throughout the year, 其中有50多人获得了满分4分.平均绩点0. The department initiated an 体育运动 Academic Success Program, 由妮可·伯恩森领导, the new director of the rugby program and head women’s rugby coach. 首届撒克逊人给予日, 三月举行, 筹集了142美元,田径运动员1000英镑, 多于1,200件个人礼物. Teams that won Empire 8 Conference championships were women’s tennis and women’s volleyball, while the men’s and women’s indoor and outdoor track and field teams earned a combined 10 individual and team Empire 8 titles. The cheerleading team competed in its first-ever national championships, and four members of the equestrian team competed in the national show.

Steward also noted that the softball team is in the midst of competing at the Empire 8 championship tournament at St. John Fisher, which runs through Saturday, the day of Alfred University’s commencement. Softball coach Luke Wesneski asked Steward if a short, 10-minute graduation ceremony could be arranged for his five seniors in the event they were still competing on Saturday.

“Mark (Zupan) rallies the troops, and we have a mini graduation in Galanis Arena,” Steward related. Zupan made some comments, and Carolyn Clark ’90, Board of Trustees chair, handed out certificates. “This is our Alfred University leadership; this is why I am here.”